Wednesday, March 30, 2011
It has come to my attention that I have a strange obsession with rain jackets. They're just cute! Haha. Not much to report, just working, playing softball and missing everyone. I've been in a bad mood on and off, people are really getting to me. I just hate looking around and seeing people who don't deserve praise get it and those who do deserve it, being overlooked. Its really disheartening. But when I get angry, I try to think about where I'm going and stop thinking about what everyone else is doing. That's about it. Our blackboxes did finally show up yesterday! I forgot how much awesome stuff I had in it! But, its still not like home and I miss my little house. Car searching. I have an idea about what I want but I am soooo unsure of myself. Its already feeling like we've been here forever but at the same time, time is flying. I am just really eager to drive on with my goals and not feel like I'm putting life on hold. But, hey, its just the nature of the beast =)
Friday, March 25, 2011

In the storm, DARKNESS

Y'all! Oh my gosh. So I experienced my first sandstorm ever. And mostly now I'm worried about what grossness I inhaled. Haha. I am having visions of dust covered lungs in my chest. Anyways, here's the story!
I was out at softball and we had just began warmups. Well, we saw the cloud in the distance and it just looked like something out of a movie, it was crazy! Top, who plays with us, decided we should call practice so we did and as we were leaving, Frame asked what I was gonna do and I told him workout then go to chow. He had the Yukon since he was having to be on call for the colonel so he told me he'd give me a ride. As SOON as I shut that door the storm hit. Our comical O6 called and told him not to move so we just were hanging out and laughing at the texts he was getting from everyone about the storm. We sat in there FOREVER. 2 and a half hours! The first 30 minutes it was really cool but then it got old so we decided to brave the storm for some food. Another crazy adventure. Eventually we decided that we weren't going to wait it out forever because it wasn't letting up much. So he dropped me as close to the barracks as I could get. I'm glad I got to be right in the middle of it and really see what it was like without getting sand all over me, until I got out that is. Haha. Anyways, it was fun, but I hated taking a shower! It was AWFUL! Still ended up cleaner though. In other news, this is my first REAL day off and I don't plan on doing a ruck march! I still have a lot to do here so its good. I got a stack of letters from middle schoolers, they are too cute! I will share some of those quotes later BUT I am going to put up a lot of pictures now =) OH! One more thing! We WON last night!!! Go HEELS!!!! Disclaimer: these pictures are pretty rough, they are my battles, as I was in a Yukon camera-less when the sandstorm hit.
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
Killing Time!
At workkk. Tons to say and some pictures to post, but thus, all unavailable from my military work station. SO. Here is a fun survey thingy:
A. Age: 22
B. Bed Size: Currently twin, Queen at home
C. Chore You Dislike: Dishes. So gross. Dishwasher is a lifesaver.
D. Dogs: Love themmmm. Want one. A German Sheppard or Lab
E. Essential Start To Your Day: Brushing my teeth and washing my face.
F. Favorite Color: Too Many
G: Gold or Silver: Depends, normally silver
H. Height: 5'5 1/2"
I. Instruments You Play(ed): Viola
J: Job Title: Army girl, currently
K: Kids: Not yet, maybe one day.
L: Live: Chattanooga when I'm not deployed
M: Mom's Name: Michelle
N: Nicknames: Jammers, Blondie, Bubbles, Sunshine, One and a half...many of them
O: Overnight Hospital Stays: None, thank goodness
P: Pet Peeves: Stupid people, hair in the sink or shower...there's a lot actually.
Q: Quote From A Movie: "There's a 30% chance its already raining"
R: Righty or Lefty: Rightyyyy
S: Siblings: 4 and I love them all dearly
T: Time You Wake Up: Between 4 and 6:40am
U: Underwear: One of my favorite things to buy
V: Vegetables You Dislike: Green Beans. I hate green beans.
W: What Makes You Run Late: Putting facewash on my toothbrush ha! Or having to wait on someone else. Ughhh.
X: X-Rays You've Had: Teeth, knee and lungs
Y: Yummy Foods You Make: Anything that I make!
Z: Zoo Animal Favorites: Bears and sea lions andddd anything cuteeee.
A. Age: 22
B. Bed Size: Currently twin, Queen at home
C. Chore You Dislike: Dishes. So gross. Dishwasher is a lifesaver.
D. Dogs: Love themmmm. Want one. A German Sheppard or Lab
E. Essential Start To Your Day: Brushing my teeth and washing my face.
F. Favorite Color: Too Many
G: Gold or Silver: Depends, normally silver
H. Height: 5'5 1/2"
I. Instruments You Play(ed): Viola
J: Job Title: Army girl, currently
K: Kids: Not yet, maybe one day.
L: Live: Chattanooga when I'm not deployed
M: Mom's Name: Michelle
N: Nicknames: Jammers, Blondie, Bubbles, Sunshine, One and a half...many of them
O: Overnight Hospital Stays: None, thank goodness
P: Pet Peeves: Stupid people, hair in the sink or shower...there's a lot actually.
Q: Quote From A Movie: "There's a 30% chance its already raining"
R: Righty or Lefty: Rightyyyy
S: Siblings: 4 and I love them all dearly
T: Time You Wake Up: Between 4 and 6:40am
U: Underwear: One of my favorite things to buy
V: Vegetables You Dislike: Green Beans. I hate green beans.
W: What Makes You Run Late: Putting facewash on my toothbrush ha! Or having to wait on someone else. Ughhh.
X: X-Rays You've Had: Teeth, knee and lungs
Y: Yummy Foods You Make: Anything that I make!
Z: Zoo Animal Favorites: Bears and sea lions andddd anything cuteeee.
Sunday, March 20, 2011
Bataan Death March
I'm happy...haha.
Partner and I with our shirts.
Cheaterssss! On the road. Lol.
Carlisle and I after sign in, very excited =)
Update 26 March 2011 - Above are the pictures from the march.
Saturday, March 19, 2011
Not Your Typical Sunday
Tomorrow is my first day off...YAYYYY!!! I'm so glad not to be going into the office. But, rather than sleep in, what did I choose to do? Go and do a ruck march. I would say I'm dreading it, and I kindda am, but I'm mostly dreading another week of not being able to sleep in. Haha. Because on my day off I chose to do that march. BUT, I have my reasons. First of all, its a memorial to those who did the Bataan March back during WWII in the Philippines. My grandpa was in WWII so all of that is very near and dear to my heart. The biggest way I can justify it is this: I'm a soldier. We are ALL soldiers. Stuff like this sucks, but I would rather do it and know I can than have to do it and be another idiot reserve component soldier that really just wears the uniform. I am not keen on these things all the time, but its for a good cause and I'm a soldier. Its 12.5 miles and I am doing it with several of my friends. I'm really glad they're coming along. I'm bringing my camera too, so hopefully good pictures will follow =)
After that, we have softball practice. Which, I'm a little annoyed with softball right now! I did a lot of walking around and advertising and putting stuff together for our team. I got it started, got the info, asked a SSG to coach us. It has come together very well. We are a pretty solid team, just need some more consistency. Anyways, I went out to practice last night and Carlisle and I (another girl on our team) ran into our coach. He stopped us to talk and said, "hey I know you guys are frustrated with how things are going, but I'm just really trying to figure out where to put everyone, we still have 2 weeks before our first game." Okay no big deal..."I know that you both have played fastpitch and really know the game, we just need to train some of these other guys so they're up to speed also." Alriiiight, got it. "But, I stopped you girls because I am really happy with the way you girls play, you both hold your own and the only other person that could replace you guys would be top..." Well duh, he played Single-A ball! "I am just not comfortable with putting you girls in the infield because I am worried about you getting hurt and I don't want to be there and see you walk away with a broken jaw." So we argue with him and he basically says that fastpitch softball is nothing compared to a man hitting a ball off of a bat, even if it is slow pitch. First of all, I completely disagree. A pitch at 65mph getting hit by one heifer of a girl is one hard hit ball. Secondly, a 30mph pitch hit by a big guy is probably around the same speed. Also, Carlisle and I BOTH have played coed slow pitch! I used to play against college BASEBALL players 2 years ago!!! Our outfield is so perfect. SO PERFECT. But Carlisle and I, aside from top, are the only ones who can play short and second! Its not that the guys suck, they are just so perfect where they are! I can't believe he told us that we are pretty much the best at those positions and then pretty much said because I didn't have a dick I can't handle a ball. What since does that make?! A guy can break his jaw just like her and I! So, we're really annoyed, but we'll see how the games go. If he does that, just sits us, I WILL make something of it. I'm not a pushover girl who doesn't want to be out there. I can handle it, no problem. Bummed us out but my LTs said something to him I think because he took me off of 2nd then put me back about 10 mins later. Good thing they were men! So they're believable!
Anyways, stupid. We have practice Sunday though and I think we'll finish the ruck then go to lunch then straight to softball. Excited, regardless of what he said the other night.
I have a lot of mail coming! Its like Christmas and I love it =) I miss my family and friends but I don't think about it much, just the task at hand.
I ran my 3rd 5k on Thursday, St. Patty's day and took 2 minutes off my time!!! My big goal is 27 mins, MAX. I'd actually like to do it in like 25 mins. But, we will see. I'm getting my lazy butt up to go run with Frame in the ams once he returns. He's got so much going on, being on PSD. I'll have to find another person. Shelby wants to go but I won't let her because the tard is hurt! She's probably going to do some international riding in Belgium and 3 other countries for R&R. We were discussing going together and she's got me kindda excited! We will see. I still really want to to the Dominican Republic thing and get some hands on medical experience. That's all for now, no pictures =( I'll get on that though!
Saturday, March 12, 2011
March Madness
Okay. I'm at work, bad, I know. BUT. Its Sunday. We don't get days off, okay? My work is caught up and has been so I am reading the news...and by news I mean sports. I DID read the actual news yesterday, I just haven't yet today because of all the sports stuff. Carolina and Duke both won last night, which puts them in the ACC Tournament together tonight. I am like jittery from reading all this stuff. This rilvary is just soooo good! And the Heels have been playing like the Sox, which I love. The ultimate underdogs. Anywho. The lineup is absolutely dazzling and I am going to wear my Carolina shirt to softball and to watch that basketball game. It shows the game being played on AFN at 6pm, but we are 8 hours ahead of the East Coast and the game is at 1pm. Confused. Nonetheless, I am going to check at 6pm and kick some people out if they want to watch something stupid. You can't get any better for March Madness, Carolina and Duke, matched 1 and 1 for the season. And ranked #6 and #5. AHHHH! Sooo excited! We have softball practice today, if the weather holds up. And it wouldn't suprise me if I struck out everytime from excitement. Oh oh! AND its the 13th! My favorite day =) It will be devestating if we don't take it tonight. Sheesh. I would go on to the next order of business, but I can't think straight about anything else. More later tonight! Depending on if Carolina loses or wins...haha =)
Friday, March 11, 2011
Rainy Days
This weather here is so gross! Its been sooo sunny and seriously in 10 minutes flat the sky turns black. All day we were out in formation and it was BEAUTIFUL! Which, today was a very important day. I wish I had some pictures to post but these things I have to keep in my memories because I am not authorized to walk around taking pictures as I normally would. We officially took over today. It was cool, glad to get rid of these guys and start taking charge. I'm not much of one to sit back and watch, I like to be in the action. I've had a fair amount of trouble out of my battalions. I've really had some issues getting what I need and its frustrating to know that I'm right but to prevent confrontations, we just let it go. Which, to me, just reenforces to the unit that I really can't tell them what to do. Without going into too much detail, I have 2 soldiers who are completely unaccounted for. They are back in the states but still on our books and being tracked at a place that they possibly haven't been at for almost a month. When you're assigned to a hospital you have orders that assign you to the med hold or orders releasing you from the med hold. The battalion PROMISED they would have the orders showing their location for me by Wednesday and I even gave them a few days and called today. And all I got was "we're waiting on orders". NO, you're not! Call the rear det and tell them to contact the soldier and find out where they are!!! Its a REQUIREMENT that when a soldier returns to the states that the parent unit rear detachment keeps accountability of them. Why is this okay to just sweep under the rug?! Its mostly frustrating because I'm not stepping out of my lane or asking for too much. Stop being lazy and pick up the phone. It is too early for such petty bullshit! I just can't believe a full bird colonel refuses to sign paperwork to release a soldier from theater because hes "sick of it". So does that mean its okay for them to get combat pay when they're assed up in the states for months?! That was the old commander, not mine. He refused to sign anymore packets and as a result these soldiers remain on the books until that colonel signs paperwork to officially release them, regardless of where they are. That is the current frustration at work. And I pray pray pray it gets better, because I'm really sick of being so strung out over something so petty. Just submit the paperwork the way I ask and in a timely manner and call it a day. If you can't do something, call for guidance or give me a reason why. Good God. Thats why we're supposed to work together.
I'm pretty bummed because we haven't been able to run or do anything outside the past few days. Still on the hunt for a gym buddy, we're just working sooo late its hard to do. Tonight, I am going to devise a plan. I am missing my "me" time and at the gym with a battle is as close as I'll get to it here.
Things will get better because I will make them better. In the mean time, gotta deal with it. Sorry for the bitchy blog y'all, be more cheerful than me!
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
Open Up Your Eyes And You Will See
My counterpart is an idiot, once again. I asked for an SOP or an AR or a Policy Letter or SOMETHING to reference once he left and guess what? He has nothing. Of course he doesn't. What a nut. The good news is I briefed my Major today and him and the MSG are completely tracking what a dick up this guy is so we're in the works of doing something about it. As in, getting me some references to build my SOP or just letting me create my own. HA. That would actually suck. We shall see. I've gotten my desk pretty much set up. Just basically need a desk calender or something. And to hang some pictures up. I've made soooo many charts and tables and rosters and everything is so much more functional than what he had going on, so I enjoy that. Aside from the majority of my day arguing with him and cleaning up his messes, I still don't have much to do at work. Its a blessing, I realize, just not used to it. And it really makes the days go by slow. My SFC is ridiculous. He makes us sit from 8 am until about 1730 everyday and is starting a PT program for us to do. And by PT program I mean in APFUs, doing lame military workouts. I suggested playing a game or going to a class together as a section, but no. We're just going to do pushups. I even suggested doing pushups and situps during the games or something. We could make this fun and competitive, why are people so lame and miserable? Geesh. I hope I never get that way. I guess its hard for me to understand him because 1)We have nothing to do all day...he won't even let me go to the Education Office! 2) As far as PT goes, only Ledford has failed his PT test, the rest of us passed 3)He's an E7 in the Guard so he really hasn't had much being in S1 or in charge of soldiers and its like hes afraid to make a decision 4) He just isn't personable or out to really look out for his troops. He's a nice old man just UGH! He's a real morale killer, haha, best way to put it.
My Becky came back from her first mission today! I'm so jealous, she has got the best job. She's stressed about it at times, but its absolutely amazing, actually being a soldier and not a paperpusher. I just try to remember the people on the receiving end, the ones actually out there fighting, need this dumb paper pushed. Can't wait to do some real stuff.
I've still been having these crazy dreams, they're either really depressing and bother me or they are really crazy good and I wake up and realize its soooo unattainable. Like dreams about living on an island and being a doctor and everyone I love there and just, happy. Its very naive sounding, but I just wish I could give others my happiness sometimes. Because then they're easier to deal with and everything is just so smooth and people are enjoying life. Because thats what its about! Thats how it SHOULD be. Most of the dreams are very scary though. Fighting and best friends dying. And puppies dying. Lol, sounds funny but I had a dream my dog died! Well, it was the dog in my dream. It was sad! I have little to complain about though, its just bad dreams. I'm going to figure out something fun to not feel so worthless around here. I'm going to order some painting stuff this next week and make some boy build me an easel at the woodshop. Haha. Oh and our blackboxes should come within 2 weeks! That will REALLY cheer me up.
I've been looking at my wall locker and its just not cutting it. I can stay organized but if I'm in a rush, I mess it up. Because you have to move one thing to get to another and what not. I think I have a solution though so I'll just have to give it more thought and work on it. I'm determined to make this place home...ish.
I received a REALLY cool magazine on backpacking/hiking from a friend and I am just enthralled. Sooo cool and just pretty and really refreshing. I wish I had some friend who was good at that and could show me the ropes. I've lost touch with a lot of my civilian friends due to this Army stuff the past year and a half. Its a bummer. And then I had a falling out with a fairly close friend that could have shown me a thing or two when I returned. Its just not worth it though, I think its a huge character flaw if you're not a loyal friend or you pretend to be someone you're not. Not in a good way, just hiding your intentions, I don't want that kind of stuff in my life. And if it means digging thorough a pile of rocks to find a few friends that are "gems", then it is well worth my time and effort. I'm sure one day all this will pay off, like, maybe I'll get some patience! Another rambling post, my apologies, but, that is what's on my mind guys =)
Monday, March 7, 2011
Settling In
Okay, I have had some REALLY crazy dreams the past few nights! And I'm just too darn lazy to go into detail. Aside from sleeping, everything else is a really hum de dum routine I am settling into. Sleep is just hard because I'm a light sleeper. And its been FREEZING in here! I bought another blanket so hopefully I will sleep better tonight. We haven't had a day off, but its really not been bad. We've been playing softball the past few nights and it has been sooo much fun. Ijust absolutely adore baseball/softball. Rugby I miss greatly though. Ran my second 5k Friday morning. Beat my time by 14 seconds. Not terribly happy about it, but hey, big improvement.

2 of my beloved LTs and I after race #1
I have to do laundry tomorrow. It piles up so quickly, even wearing the same pair of FRACUs for 2 or 3 days, those tan tshirts and socks and workout clothes just fill up sooo fast! I am dying for my black box to get here so I can get organized. I started setting up my desk today! Our counterparts are still here, but for the most part they never come in the office. I think the guy left me that stuff on his desk but I feel weird just putting it elsewhere because what if he wants some? So, its just sitting on my desk in a corner. Our tents are sooo on a slope so I need to get a rug or something to prevent rolling into Walker and Cannon. Haha. I enjoy our office. I still wish our E7 would take some initiative rather than just waiting for MSG to tell us something. Hopefully it will get better. I've come to realize that the brigade is sooo wrong in so many ways but its easily forgotten when I hang out with some of them and focus isn't how jacked up the brigade is. Its a huge difference when I hang out with my LTs (they are VERY upset with the way things are going, understandibly so) and when I just go play ball with some of the guys and gals. Not big on the drama. So, while I can learn a lot from the LTs, I will take their pearls of wisdom and PT with them, but try to keep the negative energy away from my mind.
I was thinking about it today, and even though we haven't been here very long at all, I really already feel changed. I have been coping well, haven't been sad at all, just annoyed more than anything, but I really have seen how awesome life will be for me. Things like this, a "deployment" are just the nature of the beast. I'm grateful for all of this. I talk to these people who have been here for 4 years now and its crazy. This is their world. Shoo.
I also got to go to the hospital today! I was being a battle for a friend and
I am still a loser. I just love hospitals. If I were doing that, I could so stay here for 4 years. Just some food for thought. Thats all I have for now =)
Thursday, March 3, 2011
Well I worked with my lunatic counterpart again today. 6 days in a row of his craziness. And when I say craziness I do mean insane. HE THINKS HE GOT ABDUCTED BY UFOS!!! Not once, but TWICE. Ugh. So now that I've discredited my counterpart, let me speak about my job which, really isn't a lot. He told me at the beginning of the RIP/TOA that what they tasked me with really doesn't require but about one hour a day of work. Okay, I'm irritated because I'm worried I'll just have to be at work for no reason. But after figuring out some options today, I feel somewhat better about it. I actually got to do some of the packets today and briefed my Major, who, is awesome. Well doing these packets today I realized how completely unorganized this guy is and even some of his command. Seriously, this job for me will be nothing, I'm organized and can get it knocked out quick. Get this, his Brigade Commander will not allow the brigade staff to call the battalions! Because he apparently doesn't think its their job and wants to correctly utilize his chain of command. Okay, got it. To a degree. If my battalion keeps telling me the unit won't submit what they need or whatever and the BN isn't breathing down their neck enough thats when we as a brigade need to come down hard on a unit. Not to mention sometimes when you play the game of "telephone" things get lost in translation at times. And what if the BN is out doing something and I need an answer RIGHT NOW? Sometimes its just easier to get to the root of a problem when you nip it in the bud. Maybe if that O6 wasn't so worried about having a pissing contest, he wouldn't have so many things pending. Efficiency. Geesh. But yea, my counterpart is sloppy and confused and Revitzer and I will totally make this a better system.
As for what I decided to do to tie up all my free time at the office, I'm going to just see if I can do Correspondence Courses and definitely some college. I may just go to OCS if I get those last 8 hours. Who knows? I am just sooo sick of being a "dumb E4". Not that I really think anyone who knows me completely believes that, but I definitely hate having to constantly prove myself, work my way up to more responsibilities and show new people that I am efficient. And its not that I want to be in charge of people. I just don't like to be babysat and I know I can handle the responsibility of a job and not busy work or a small task. I'm also kindda good at revising and being thorough. That reminds me, think I'll do some research now. Oh! One more alibi for that last little bit, we recently have had 3 LTs get promoted and 2 of them gave me their old rank for good luck/motivation. Awwww =)
As for what I decided to do to tie up all my free time at the office, I'm going to just see if I can do Correspondence Courses and definitely some college. I may just go to OCS if I get those last 8 hours. Who knows? I am just sooo sick of being a "dumb E4". Not that I really think anyone who knows me completely believes that, but I definitely hate having to constantly prove myself, work my way up to more responsibilities and show new people that I am efficient. And its not that I want to be in charge of people. I just don't like to be babysat and I know I can handle the responsibility of a job and not busy work or a small task. I'm also kindda good at revising and being thorough. That reminds me, think I'll do some research now. Oh! One more alibi for that last little bit, we recently have had 3 LTs get promoted and 2 of them gave me their old rank for good luck/motivation. Awwww =)
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
Okay, I really enjoy running. And sports. I hate the gym, its boring to me. Unless I have an awesome workout partner and some good direction. I read this really awesome running plan last night in one of my magazines and I'm soooo excited to try it! Only problem is no one likes to go running! And those that do go running too late in the am for me to shower, eat and get to work. My other partner in crime LT has a rolled ankle so no running buddy for a bit =( I'm going to have to beg soon. Geesh. What does everyone do with their time? This place sure is boring. And people are constantly going to the PX, which, I don't get. Do you go to the store that much at home?! Haha. People are special. I had trouble sleeping last night so I was lazy and didn't get up until like 7 today. Have been e-mailing my family and some friends have contacted me but I'm really excited to Skype everyone soon. I am going to make my way over to the education center as soon as Revitzer and Denham go to see what's available. I also got to talk with that Army doc! Granted, he was a little short and didn't give much information I didn't already know but I guess he's used to people being very "maybe" about becoming a doctor. Like he was explaining to me the process and what the match is in 4th year of med school. Hello, duh! I want to do this, I did my research! I am still not sure about R&R, I'm DYING to go but its really hard to plan without a date yet. And now its chargeable =( so gay! As soon as I see Shelby today I'm going to see if she can get me some contact info for the commander of the unit deploying in 2012, she knows her really well and I am about 80% sure a deployment would be smart for me. Not much more to report from here, just excited for our black boxes to get here already, finish getting the room set up and really get our schedules like we're supposed to. Hope everyone has a good day!
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