
Saturday, March 19, 2011

Not Your Typical Sunday

Tomorrow is my first day off...YAYYYY!!! I'm so glad not to be going into the office. But, rather than sleep in, what did I choose to do? Go and do a ruck march. I would say I'm dreading it, and I kindda am, but I'm mostly dreading another week of not being able to sleep in. Haha. Because on my day off I chose to do that march. BUT, I have my reasons. First of all, its a memorial to those who did the Bataan March back during WWII in the Philippines. My grandpa was in WWII so all of that is very near and dear to my heart. The biggest way I can justify it is this: I'm a soldier. We are ALL soldiers. Stuff like this sucks, but I would rather do it and know I can than have to do it and be another idiot reserve component soldier that really just wears the uniform. I am not keen on these things all the time, but its for a good cause and I'm a soldier. Its 12.5 miles and I am doing it with several of my friends. I'm really glad they're coming along. I'm bringing my camera too, so hopefully good pictures will follow =)
After that, we have softball practice. Which, I'm a little annoyed with softball right now! I did a lot of walking around and advertising and putting stuff together for our team. I got it started, got the info, asked a SSG to coach us. It has come together very well. We are a pretty solid team, just need some more consistency. Anyways, I went out to practice last night and Carlisle and I (another girl on our team) ran into our coach. He stopped us to talk and said, "hey I know you guys are frustrated with how things are going, but I'm just really trying to figure out where to put everyone, we still have 2 weeks before our first game." Okay no big deal..."I know that you both have played fastpitch and really know the game, we just need to train some of these other guys so they're up to speed also." Alriiiight, got it. "But, I stopped you girls because I am really happy with the way you girls play, you both hold your own and the only other person that could replace you guys would be top..." Well duh, he played Single-A ball! "I am just not comfortable with putting you girls in the infield because I am worried about you getting hurt and I don't want to be there and see you walk away with a broken jaw." So we argue with him and he basically says that fastpitch softball is nothing compared to a man hitting a ball off of a bat, even if it is slow pitch. First of all, I completely disagree. A pitch at 65mph getting hit by one heifer of a girl is one hard hit ball. Secondly, a 30mph pitch hit by a big guy is probably around the same speed. Also, Carlisle and I BOTH have played coed slow pitch! I used to play against college BASEBALL players 2 years ago!!! Our outfield is so perfect. SO PERFECT. But Carlisle and I, aside from top, are the only ones who can play short and second! Its not that the guys suck, they are just so perfect where they are! I can't believe he told us that we are pretty much the best at those positions and then pretty much said because I didn't have a dick I can't handle a ball. What since does that make?! A guy can break his jaw just like her and I! So, we're really annoyed, but we'll see how the games go. If he does that, just sits us, I WILL make something of it. I'm not a pushover girl who doesn't want to be out there. I can handle it, no problem. Bummed us out but my LTs said something to him I think because he took me off of 2nd then put me back about 10 mins later. Good thing they were men! So they're believable!
Anyways, stupid. We have practice Sunday though and I think we'll finish the ruck then go to lunch then straight to softball. Excited, regardless of what he said the other night.
I have a lot of mail coming! Its like Christmas and I love it =) I miss my family and friends but I don't think about it much, just the task at hand.
I ran my 3rd 5k on Thursday, St. Patty's day and took 2 minutes off my time!!! My big goal is 27 mins, MAX. I'd actually like to do it in like 25 mins. But, we will see. I'm getting my lazy butt up to go run with Frame in the ams once he returns. He's got so much going on, being on PSD. I'll have to find another person. Shelby wants to go but I won't let her because the tard is hurt! She's probably going to do some international riding in Belgium and 3 other countries for R&R. We were discussing going together and she's got me kindda excited! We will see. I still really want to to the Dominican Republic thing and get some hands on medical experience. That's all for now, no pictures =( I'll get on that though!

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