In the storm, DARKNESS

Y'all! Oh my gosh. So I experienced my first sandstorm ever. And mostly now I'm worried about what grossness I inhaled. Haha. I am having visions of dust covered lungs in my chest. Anyways, here's the story!
I was out at softball and we had just began warmups. Well, we saw the cloud in the distance and it just looked like something out of a movie, it was crazy! Top, who plays with us, decided we should call practice so we did and as we were leaving, Frame asked what I was gonna do and I told him workout then go to chow. He had the Yukon since he was having to be on call for the colonel so he told me he'd give me a ride. As SOON as I shut that door the storm hit. Our comical O6 called and told him not to move so we just were hanging out and laughing at the texts he was getting from everyone about the storm. We sat in there FOREVER. 2 and a half hours! The first 30 minutes it was really cool but then it got old so we decided to brave the storm for some food. Another crazy adventure. Eventually we decided that we weren't going to wait it out forever because it wasn't letting up much. So he dropped me as close to the barracks as I could get. I'm glad I got to be right in the middle of it and really see what it was like without getting sand all over me, until I got out that is. Haha. Anyways, it was fun, but I hated taking a shower! It was AWFUL! Still ended up cleaner though. In other news, this is my first REAL day off and I don't plan on doing a ruck march! I still have a lot to do here so its good. I got a stack of letters from middle schoolers, they are too cute! I will share some of those quotes later BUT I am going to put up a lot of pictures now =) OH! One more thing! We WON last night!!! Go HEELS!!!! Disclaimer: these pictures are pretty rough, they are my battles, as I was in a Yukon camera-less when the sandstorm hit.
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