We had to go to the CTE this morning to verify our accounts. To start the day off, they load us onto a bus 3 hours before the crew to verify our accounts gets there. Whatever. Baird and I sat around and he told me about hunting. It was kind of cool. We ended up being there for 5 hours for 30 minutes worth of work. Okay, fine. I'm in the Army and this unit is so dicked up any ways its far from surprising. Well, tonight I called SFC I to get our time for tomorrow. My understanding is that EVERYONE was going to be involved in the dry runs (starting tomorrow). Well, when I spoke with him he said not everyone would be. So then, I asked, "so you're sending the people who haven't done this before to get them training?" and he immediately got offended and said, "no because then who will train them?" And I responded, "well I figured they'd learn the same way we did, just by DOING THE SCENARIOS AND FOLLOWING INSTRUCTIONS." Of course, I didn't yell that last part at him. He then got mad and told me I was on his list to go and I definitely had to go. When the final list way scrubbed, I know of 2 new people going and 5 people who have already been through this shit. This is why I'm mad. I am not trained on this equipment. I want to take a class on it rather than waste my days doing shit I already have done. It only makes sense! AND IF they still need people to go and train the others then HELLO TAKE THE PEOPLE WITH JOBS AND TRAINING. I merely jumped in and took initiative when I could. Granted, I felt successful in what I did but I had no defined role. Nor did I play on the CPOF system. Well Revitzer texted me being a dick and then tried to make nice by telling me to call him and be patient and polite and explain to him. HELL NO. I was already respectful on the phone the first time, laid out the reasoning and he jumped the gun. Its not my job to question him. He needs to be the fucking NCO and make the decision. Well THEN Rev said he's pretty much making me go because I made him mad and he's being spiteful. Oops. I make no apologies for my words. I know when I have been out of line and I wasn't tonight. Just because bringing it to your attention offended you, it doesn't mean I was wrong. I can't wait to actually make plans. This is the most ass-backwards, inefficient unit. And there is something incredibly wrong if I can see the holes as an E4. UGH!!!! I HATE STUPIDITY! You are making me go to training I don't need because I made you flustered and brought up a valid point???! Whatever. I don't feel dumb. I feel like a bitch and I don't really care. Ooo. Angry! Okay. Moving on, I am done with it now. Tomorrow I'll be a grouch and complain about how worthless the day was but I am going to try my best to stay in line.
Aside from that, I had an excellent run today. It went really fast, didn't stop and there were a lot of people out there today. Its kind of hard to gauge yourself, running alone, but I kept up with most of the guys which surprised me. I am about to yell across the room to one of these lazy medics! I hate hearing them complain about their jobs! YOU'RE A MEDIC! YOU HAVE TO TAKE CARE OF PEOPLE! And, if you have no heart for it, you have no business being in that field!
Hm. What else aside from the fact that I'm feeling very outspoken currently? I'm going to stretch, read some tonight. Already took my delightful shower. My favorite. And wake up refreshed and hyper as ever in the am. Ah. Maybe. Its all tentative. Well. Sorry this post was so incredibly grumpy, but I do feel better getting this off my chest.
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