
Thursday, January 20, 2011

What A Small World!!!

I guess in order to make sense of this story I need to give a little background info. Back in Nov, about half of my unit, including myself, had to head to another state to do some training. It was pretty much practice to prepare us for what we would be doing in country. Well, during this exercise we have to report to a higher unit and receive information from our lower units. Our higher unit, who we will call Unit 1, had a solider who would call sometimes and just clarify some information. Well, Unit 1 is not in our state, not in our region and was not at this exercise with us, they were like in California or something. Anyways, I answer the phones a lot so I would be getting the information and he liked to make small talk and ask about my day and I would do the same. He told me some pretty funny stories to me and that was pretty much it. Well, he started calling and asking for me to answer his questions and Lt. King and SGT Revitzer started teasing me calling it "CPX Love". They even gave me a joke counseling statement because of it. So there's the background for the story. Well yesterday I was out working at the Snakepit and Rev texted me and it said, "Your CPX boyfriend is here!" Also, Rev and King are ridiculous, they push my buttons and just tease me like non other. So, of course Rev and I argue for about 20 minutes and he actually got mad at me for not believing him! Haha, he started cussing at me! I told him I didn't believe him and then SFC Insalaco (who wouldn't lie even if his life depended on it) busts through the door as I'm in the orderly room SWEARING up and down that that the guy really was here. APPARENTLY his unit is MOBing here and he's on the ADVON (advanced party). Insalaco told me he asked for my number and asked if maybe they would give me his number. Oh my goodness. Its so funny! Anyways, I just think this is hysterical and I had to apologize to Rev. Not sure if I'll actually meet this "CPX Boyfriend" because I'm not sure what they're doing and I'm not doing the training with Rev and SFC Insalaco. Anyways, I had to write about this because I still don't really believe them. Well, kindda because SFC Insalaco said it. We will see.

That was what happened yesterday, aside from running, which, isn't as fun getting back into it as it is when you are just always doing it. But I have some really good news! Ever since I went through basic about 2 years ago my left knee really bothers me when I run. I went to 3 different doctors and they all told me it was "runner's knee". They seem to think people just want out of PT, which, is true, most do, but I really wanted to run without pain, I actually like running. I told all 3 doctors that it hurts way more when I run and I had been almost a month without running because of all the profiles they kept giving me. Of course, in one ear and out the other. I really wish they had just done an MRI or something. They even sent me to a Physical Therapist who told me I was fine. No shit Sherlock, I'm not running, thats when it bothers me. Well, I told Doc about it a few days ago and he told me I had torn a ligament and when it healed scar tissue of some sort grew back to heal but that scar tissue doesn't stretch like your ligament does. So, to offset that, you have to do things to strengthen your other ligaments around it for stability. GENIUS!!! I did my stretches and after my 1.7 miles, very little pain compared to what it normally is. And today, nothing but that good soreness that I love =) SO GLAD! I just can't believe the other 3 doctors didn't listen to me and take me seriously. Which, granted being an Army doctor and one to TRADOC soliders has to suck, its no reason to assume I just want out of PT. Anyways, I am extremely relieved and I hope that it stays this way, just gets stronger and I can get running again.

Today, Beck and I are going out to the main post, my poor Beck needs it, she's kindda out of her element here and needs some cheering up. She's been handling it well but I just think she could use some carefree time. But, thats all I got for now! Not sure if I'm running tonight or going to rest like my running schedule I downloaded says. Later taters!

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