Today was a hot mess. I was really and I mean REALLY excited to spend my last Sunday in church and of course I hop in the car and have a flat. And it was redunkulous, a huge gash was in the tire. I, of course, am some worthless, helpless girl who doesn't know how to change a flat by myself. My friend was with me and I ended calling guys I know could help. They're awesome for coming out and changing it for me. But I'm still pretty annoyed that I had to be THAT girl sitting in a gas station helpless and doofy. Its just I've never been taught how! I swear, if I ever have kids,they have to be better off in the world than me. I walk around with 2 left feet all the time. So clueless and awkward. Lord knows. After that incident we decided to watch football in our church clothes at my friend's house. He was babysitting his niece and nephew and they were soooo cute! Apparently I'm super comfy because both kids took a nap...on me. It was cute =) I was just waiting for Thomas or Zack or Beth to ask if they too could take a nap on me. Despite having 2 kids, 2 dogs and 4 other people in the living room all day, we had a blast watching sports. Which, btw, my Tar Heels won, obviously. Whoot whoot! Definitely my #1 choice for med school, as of right now. Of course 2 more years until I even start applying, so things could change.
Came home and made dinner for Beth and I, we watched the last episode available of Boston Med on Hulu as we ate. And this episode was the best yet! They featured the world's 2nd face transplant and his journey. It was AMAZING!!!! He had a bad accident and fell onto a subway line face down with thousands and thousands of volts of electricity going through his body. According to the doctor, when you have that amount of voltage going through your body it literally vaporizes everything. So he was missing his nose, most of his mouth, his jaw/chin and even other parts. It is an absolute miracle the man lived. Well, there was another family with a man waiting on a heart transplant and he went in and I don't recall them officially saying, but I assumed he didn't make it through the transplant or never received one in time. His wife said as he was going in he told her if anything were to happen that she needed to remember he was an organ donor. As a man needing a heart, he knew how it could save a life. Well, the man died and was able to donate every piece of himself and the donor bank asked for the man's face, she agreed. They did the transplant and it was ground-breaking and a success overall. He will still need more surgeries, mostly for cosmetic purposes. The man was even able to meet the 1st face transplant patient. She looked really great, 3 years after her surgery. The donor's wife also was really set on meeting the man who received part of her husband's face. That was really moving, really shows how there is so much good to be found in the bad. One episode they had one person die in California and in 2 days time they were able to take 1 set of healthy lungs and transport them back to Boston, transplant them and save THREE LIVES! I just can't explain how rewarding that has to be. 1 set of lungs saves 3 people. I am super sad I am done with the show for now, really great and very inspiring.
Jim, world's 2nd Face Transplant Patient

Isabel, World's First Face Transplant

Well, tomorrow is my last day off and last day to sleep in for the next few months. We're really about to dive in head-first. It will be quiet an experience, just eager to get the ball rollin. I will be sure to post as I can. Btw, thank you Najwa for the website, found this on it and it looks a lot better! Just need to figure out how to fix that header.
Hehe , I feel so honored being mentioned in a post ! Thanks :) The blog looks really pretty ! You might have to do some editing on your settings and design page for the header I guess..
ReplyDeleteThe miraculous ways life and medicine work are fascinating, and that's reflected in the lives they touch for the good and the bad..wonderful post !
wow where u get those pics....thats really good cant wait to see how jims face is actually going to look after they are done
ReplyDeleteThey were just online. Isabel looks AMAZING!