So I have a theory. If your day starts off really bad, it ends really good.
Thats a
kindda silly theory but REALLY. If I have just and awful day, it normally turns around to something really good. And if my day starts off unusually well, I fear the falling apart of things later in the day! I have seen it happen
mucho to me! Today was no exception either. I was having a really
sucky day, just one of those days. Wake up, late to a Dr's Appointment then work, then work is a mess, then you
accidentally stay an hour over because your computer clock is behind one hour. Yea, one of THOSE days. Well, sparing y'all the details, it sucked. My poor mother caught me very upset and I was more impatient in explaining the details like I normally could. And funny, she told my
step dad and he called me just to cheer me up =) Sweet
padastro! Bad day ended though when I went to pick up two of my friends and we went out to dinner with 22 of our closest friends and were toasted to and all kinds of warm and fuzzy things. And Daniel even came out so I was really glad even though things started off on an awkward foot, they ended very well. Most of us went over to Fox for Pint Night after and that was a good time too. Pretty packed but all the games were fairly
sucky. No Red
Sox, no Tar Heels, no Celtics, no Bruins or ANYTHING. But Mike was a nut and kept us entertained. So, good night. Bad day. But all will come together.
Tomorrow is a big day, we hit Title 10, which, for all you non-military peeps, means we're on Active Duty. Very surreal thing, it makes this very real! Also a big day for other reasons, those closest to me know what I am talking about but I will go into a little more detail once I have the full idea of what this means for me and my plans, until then, I'd rather not speculate one way or the other even though I definitely have been. VERY important day tomorrow.
To conclude, life is just so crazy. Its hard for anyone to understand, but especially for me. I need explanations and patterns and predictions. Life, however, is just what they say it is, a rollarcoaster. You just can't do all that. So, I'm trying to enjoy the sweet surprises of it.
Welp. That's all I got for tonight. Pretty exhausted and gonna catch some ZZZs.
Yay the time is here.....only days away