
Monday, February 21, 2011

Home Sweet Home...for now

Well! FINALLY on the other side of the globe! Yesterday was the slowest fast day of my LIFE! Haha. We had a 5am wakeup, cleaning, getting ready to clear everything then hurry up and wait. Some odd hours later, we load up onto our huge plane and set out. We landed in the states again to refuel, I got some postcards for my loves and then we jumped on the plane again to head out across the ocean. This leg was 7 hours almost to Germany. It was longggg. But not nearly as long as people made it out to be, someone told me 20 hours!!! Yea, TOTAL! Oh my goodness people are so dumb. Anyways, we landed in Germany and people dipped out on baggage detail, thankfully our troublemakers didn't, but hey not like they can get away with it anyways. Anyways, Nicki and I had a blast throwing the whole brigade's rucks onto a belt to be loaded. And I say this in all seriousness! It sucked to be doing it, but we really made it fun. We were trying to find postcards of just the belly of the plane though since that's really all we saw. Haha =) Unfortunately I forgot to get myself more postcards from Germany! My cousins love it when I send them one from every location and I forgot =(

Some of the battalion

Living situation SUCKS! The only really good thing about it is that I got a nice wall locker and I am close to Becky and my LTs. We're all in an open barracks with wall lockers that section us off. I feel soooo bad for them, they're LIEUTENANTS!!!! And they'res 6 of them crammed in a 4 man area with 5, not 6, broken wall lockers that won't lock. It just suckssss.

I actually started on this about a week ago and saved it so now I will just catch up to today. Not much has been going on, we have a nice set up, I definitely can't complain. I ran my first 5k with my favorite LTs, that was cool. We are running another one on Friday. DFAC food is good. Its SO NICE to wear normal clothes at the end of the work day. Its really crazy not seeing everyone you're used to seeing! We go to work and anyone you don't work with you don't really see much except for in passing. Its crazy.

My brother graduated Airborne this past weekend, SO PROUD! I can't wait to go myself. I get to talk to a doc tomorrow about some career options as far as the Army is concerned. I'm really tired of being an E4 who knows a lot but knows nothing. A contradiction, right? I just feel like I am really quick to catch a problem and we are really slow to fix it. Example. Today, I was asking about my job which entails "actions", about 15 different tasks. I mentioned it to my MSG and she said, "it doesn't apply to us, we're a guard unit". UM! WE HAVE ACTIVE DUTY SOLDIERS WHO FALL UNDER US!!!! Idiot. I do have to know it. But really? I'm sick of arguing to get my point across. Its not even an argument, it just is life. So, I learned it all anyways from my counterpart. Its easy stuff, we are just so ate up its almost comical.

My LT got promoted today and gave me his old rank patch and his blessings. I am going to hang it in my wall locker I think to remind myself of where I'm going. Really excited. Well, I'm sorry guys, thats all I got for now. My mind is in a bajillion places. I'll get on here more and in more detail. Until then, bye!

Friday, February 18, 2011

Believe When I Say, I Want It That Way

Haha. Beth is sitting on my bed listening to the Backstreet Boys. Hahahahahaha. It is very rowdy in here tonight! Girls packing and we are all eager to get out of hereeeee. But I am DREADING this plane ride! Its going to be sooo longggggg. And packing and carrying bags is GAY! But, ya know, at least we're on our way.

Not much to report. Well, some kindda big news. Our little troublemakers got demoted! Well 2 of them did so far. I mailed a bag to myself in Kuwait today and then Mr. LT and I ran to clothing and sales then to get a slushy one last time. I helped him set up iTunes tonight...HE DIDN'T KNOW WHAT ITUNES WAS!!! What is he, living under a rock? Haha, he was skyping his dad and I talked with him and his dadpermissed me to "slap that LT in the back of his big ass head". Hahaha. And a parent totally overrides any Army rule. Watched CPT Sims-Hall act a fool. That man wants to kill me right now, I owe him a letter for his company. Haha. Long story.

We leave tomorrow! To make the big trip! Anddd thats about all I can say. Craziness.

Okay seriously this post is going no where so I'll find a pretty picture and get off. Oh! One more thing, some of the guys gave me a late Valentine's Day present today! Awwws. They got me a card and all signed it and a box of chocolates. Cuteeeee. Okay see ya on the other side of the pond!

The beach, I miss! =(

Thursday, February 17, 2011


Tybee Island, my future home, maybe =)

The weather has been soooo nice here. It reminds me of spring nights. The kinds perfect for baseball! And sitting on the porch in a hoodie and shorts. Aw. So I'm kind of homesick. Not so much the comforts of home, while those would be nice, but the free nights to just enjoy life. I keep thinking what a good opportunity this is though. Oh my goodness! Before I get off on that, let me tell you what has happened the past couple of days!

So we had an 11pm formation the night before last for accountability and a 4am wake up! I didn't get in bed till 1am! You know, I may have mentioned all of this, so if I have, I apologize for
repeating all of this. Anyways. We have these soldiers. And they loveeeee to cause trouble. Particularly a female E5. Anyways. Several soldiers were doing their own thing. Some were staying at hotels with their wives (we weren't allowed off post). The big deal is that we had anE5, E4, E2 and E7 all go out off post, take civilian clothes, get drunk, get tattoos and stumble back in time for formation. They got ratted out and took a breathalyzer. 3 of them blew with alcohol in their system. Too easy, right? You were off post, you violated the 3 BIGGEST rules! No fraternization, no drinking and NO GOING OFF POST!!!! So. I figure they'll be in trouble. Well, the female the next day didn't have to do any of the training, she just hung out in the barracks. Okay, whatever, maybe they're processing her paperwork. We all get "grounded".No going off our camp, at all. Well, they lifted the ban for today after lunch and after a class and another thing we had to do. So, I finally get to the PX with Becky and we were on THE first bus, and this E5 is there!!!! WHAT IN THE WORLD?! So you're telling me I can do whatever the hell I want and I will get a pass. She was not on that bus with us, which means she either got a ride or she had caught an earlier bus. Oh and she wasn't in the class with us and did not do her check with the section we had to go to. Oh, just wait, it getsbetter. So my little PFC is getting promoted today and I go to the formation to take pictures of it. The E2 that snuck off post with them is there and he gets promoted!!!! SERIOUSLY?! And this is just hearsay, but supposedly they're not losing rank. ANY OF THEM. For sure the E7 is safe because they said they couldn't "prove" he had the van. Um...HE ADMITTED TO GOING OFF POST! And taking the E2, E4 and E5 to the tattoo parlor!!!! I will be furious if nothing happens to them. For several reasons. 1)Over and over again this E5 in particular has gotten in trouble at ATs and has not gotten in trouble. She was caught in a truck with an E4. She came in several times intoxicated and after curfew. And she has gotten introuble for fraternizing...numerous times. 2) It sends the message that no one is going to get in trouble, no matter what you do. 3) If myself or any other decent soldier were to do this, we would be stripped of rank faster than you can process the paperwork. 4) She's on the PSD team!!!! Granted, they put her there to keep her out of trouble because she doesn't really have a job in Kuwait, but still! They are supposed to be intip top shape! I am so so so mad about it. I will file an IG complaint as will many soldiers. I am not the proudest of this unit, but overall, I really thought our Command can't agree on little things but this is too big to not have justice served. So what if we have too many chiefs and not enough indians? We know to be good soldiers and set a good example, right? No, apparently not. We will see. So upset over that. But back to the original purpose of this post.

I am really considering doing 2 years or 3 active when we return just to get "E" pay as an officer. Its seriously 500 dollars more a month. So, even though my life looks like it will suck for the next 10 years or so, it would be so worth it to set up myself. I want to be a traveling doc and anything to get me through medical school and to that career path goes. I sometimes wish I were superman and could do anything. Just have it come so easily. But, it doesn't always happen that way. And now more than ever is time to challenge myself. I may do the PA program. A lot of thorough research is going to happen this year and make some plans for myself. Sooomuch work and math to be done but dang it its time to be smart.
We leave in 2 days! I am sooo excited! Mostly because packing suuuucks and I have WAY too much crap. I will make it happen. So nervous for the unknown but I am totally getting used to it. Lets see, oh! I diagnosed myself last night. And was right! I had a weird bump on my wrist and was sitting with Mr. LT and explained it to him then we got Doc just to see if I was right and I was! No biggie, but I'm proud of it =)

Some more cool news! I got asked to write for an Army magazine!!! And photograph! Just as a contributer every 3 weeks but I'm soooo honored! Someone from the unit (idk who) put in a good word for me, so that's cool too.

A picture I took a few years ago on the way
to the Ocoee River in Tennessee.

Ohhhh I listened to Corey Smith today. Love that man. Well, his music. Reminds me of the beach and summertime and college. I guess thats really all. Excited and nervous and not looking forward to whats to come. All at once. Anywho. I have also received some e-mails from you guys, soooo sorry I haven't gotten back to y'all! I will soon though. Its just a mess right now. I will get back to you soon!

Monday, February 14, 2011

Valentine's Day

First off, Happy Valentine'sDay! I know its a really hot and cold holiday, but whatever, its just another day peeps. I hope yours was good.
We had a REALLY fun day today! We went out to the range and fired our 80 live rounds a piece! No dry fire, no blank fire, just live rounds. It was fantastic. I got 3 packages today too, so even better =) One was from the cousins, they got Becky and I some awesomestuff. Another was a box of chocolates from the ever-so-sweet Mr. Bill Lockhart and the last was my favorite flip flops...IN PINK! It was awesome.
Tomorrow we have commander's time, which, is basically a day off. Beck and I are going to the PX probably and getting pedicures, just sleeping in and relaxing. We leave very soon so we're all just getting ready to pack all of our junk and get settled over there! I have been e-mailing Chief and it just sounds like a sweet setup. I am sooo excited. OH! And I heard back from my missions group today! Nothing big, the lady just said to look on the website and to ask questions once I figured them out. So. I'm way excited. Just can't wait to be a doc and hopefully have the opportunity to do this a lot. I'll have to do some active duty years first though.
Funny thing I want to say. So yesterday I was super irritated! And I wrote too soon, because I DEFINITELY got hounded more. I am such an easy target. I know, I just...I'm not really sure, I'm really defensive because I'm very thought out in everything I do and I'm very open. So, I don't like to explain myself and I HATE when someone misconstrues my words. Its a game for many of my friends. I love them though. Good stuff. Crazies. Anyways. Not much else to report, I was able to take some pictures out today so I will post them with this. Oh! And I still really want a pup when I get back. But, don't think I can take good care of him with school and travel =( we'll see! Love you guys! Happy Valentine's Day again!

DISCLAIMER: Okay, pictures will go up later. Connection is too slow right now.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Medical Missions!!!!

So I had a very hard time keeping my composure this morning and have spent a great deal of the day very angry! But, I'm not going to talk about dang it! If y'all can't tell, this has been killing me! I just know its not worth it! Still! It doesn't excuse some things. Whatever. These people who make me mad eventually figure it out. I hate talking when I'm mad, its not made to punish anyone, it just naturally does. I am relieved to be angry so I have a perfectly good excuse not to talk to who I don't like. Well. To be nice to them. I even talk to people I hate because I can't imagine just being mean for no reason. Now I just have a great excuse not to be in the same vicinity as them now. Shoo. No more!

I am actually very excited! I e-mailed a medical missions team that goes year round to the Dominican Republic! Well, several teams that go with one organization. Its still really cool. I am sooo excited! I don't think I will be able to go on my R&R for a few reasons: 1)Its REALLY hard to just jump in with a team without them planning for you. And we won't know our dates for a while. So a July or August trip, like I want to do, just isn't ample timing. 2) Someone brought up that the military might deem it unsafe because its a lot of times with indigenous communities and its kind of dangerous, for like disease's sake, etc. Boo on being a soldier. I think I could make it happen if I play my cards right. Just thinking about it makes me ECSTATIC!!!! My goodness I have tunnel vision right now. Other options are visiting my friend's brother in Italy or going to Spain. Apparently I have a millionaire uncle there! Like I really feel comfortable going to just chill in Spain with my uncle I never met. Anyways. Veryyyy excited!!! Ah! Okay. That is all. And Army life. Boo.

Friday, February 11, 2011


The past few days have been retarded, as usual. But in honor of not being a loser with a bad attitude lets talk about the good. First off, I have gotten a TON of mail! I ordered some things for myself but I have had some really awesome friends and family send me some things. So. Thanks guys, you're the best =) Today I am off, thank GOD. I was planning on going and blowing money at the PX but I really need to be here and get some things done so I'm going to. Can't wait to get over there and get my room all set up and get into a routine. Because this CTE is getting soooo old. 15 hours days just suck, simply put. Lets see, I've gotten like 4 awards certificates in the last week, no kidding. 1 real, 3 joke. But hey, just means I'm loved, right? The plane ride will be very long, our ADVON already arrived there. But, thats plenty of time to be lazy and watch movies and Grey's Anatomy. Thank God I don't have to eat out of a tent today, I get real DFAC food. And, most people are at work. So peaceful. So glad. I also want to start planning my vacation. I really think I want to jump in with some church doing medical missions work and just enjoy that. Thats what I want to do one day so this would be a good time to test it. Anyways. Nothing new really just all that silly stuff. More sometime, eventually, I'm sure.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Things To Look Forward To

i was reading my latest posts and decided that they are really grumpy! I have some things I could gripe about now but I will be more cheerful to offset all thakt other yuck from the last few posts. My apologies!
Today was a long day and boring. It did allow me time to think about plans and get excited. Aside from my packages I should be getting soon, I am uber excited for when I get to move to the beach! haha. Which, granted, may be a ways away but I would just be so happy. Good weather, laid back and just nature. So beautiful! Good ole' Lt.King likes to tell me I would never be accomplished but he is wrong, i believe it would only encourage great things =) Lets see, also heard a very cute proposal story today. Like! Carolina is playing Duke and I hopeeee they dont ruin my evening, I am dragging Cothron with me to watch. He will get over it. Anyways. Its so late. I'm vewry sleepy and this is a bad waste of time! =) Goodnight loves!

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Super Bowl

Well we didn't get to have a beer tonight but I'm relieved. People are ridiculous and its nice to see people who actually want to see the game as opposed to drinking. I drink but dang. I don't see the big obsession. Maybe I'll be whining later in the year about it. Most of the fun in drinking though is being out with your friends and making memorable nights out of it. Not so much the taste or alcohol....or the feeling afterwards. Anyways.

My best friend here has had a really terrible day. Her significant other is being a douche...again. And she's sick =( Normally I can sort of cheer her up but its really not happening today. I wish him and her could go their separate ways and heal. Gosh. Its just not worth the heartache. Which brings me to my next point. When people are away from significant others, significant others become quite the talk. And I have to say. I'm not sure what's gotten into me, but, I am so not feeling lonely or missing out or wishing I had someone to call my other half. I understand how nice it is, but, something this just makes it so much more difficult. And to be honest I seriously doubt many are keeping their loyalties to their other half. It seems impossible now days. So sad. I want it all or nothing. And, I won't compromise who I am or where I'm going. Hello, isn't that the reason you fall in love? For who they are? I understand the compromise, but compromise is me making dinner because you've had a bad night or going to watch that dumb movie I really don't want to see but you do. Not, oh, I'll quit what I want to do to do something more suitable for you. I'm sure I have a lot to learn. But right now. I just don't care. Boys are silly. And I am content with my focus on them. Or, lack thereof.

We were supposed to have today and tomorrow off but as fate would have it, some douche that runs this exercise decided to screw my shift and bring us in at 8 am tomorrow. For no reason. It is so pointless being in there! I am logging staff journals with things like, "Called 77th TRANS." and "Checked SIGACTs and SIRs". So not worth my time. Oh yea, and I've already done this. Fort Campbell was so much more fast-paced.

I'm ready to get to our destination and get settled in. I'm really hating living in a huge open bay of other girls. Granted, I hate sharing my bedroom anyways but with 31 others its really obnoxious. On the downside of that, we will have to be on everyday I'm assuming and really focused to learn our jobs and do them. My section is definitely the busiest. Can't wait to see how things pan out.

I'm really looking forward to my vacation already. I really want to go backpacking in Europe or maybe go to South America. BFF really wants to go to Italy though. We will see. Thats all, not much to report. Just bored and working. Can't wait to run in a couple of days though!

Friday, February 4, 2011

Embrace The Suck

Wasn't really looking forward to a post titled this, but, ya know! I suppose being in the Army its bound to happen. Lets see, where should I begin? Not sure if I mentioned I got sick, I think I did. But let me emphasize...I went to sick call 4 times in the last 11 days. And, while I wasn't totally looking forward to work, I definitely wasn't trying to avoid it. I love my section, I enjoy being in there and being caught up to speed and being productive. Anyways. After doc gave me my 3 different kind of medicine and it didn't work, I knew it was a bigger deal than a bug or whatever. But I'm apparently just a dumb girl. No one took me seriously. Needless to say, I am pretty sure I pissed off my section NCOIC and went to sick call anyways. But. I win. I have freaking pneumonia. Hello. Thanks doc for listening to me. Preciate it! Anyways, I'm on quarters right now and I'm hoping these bajillion antibiotics knock it out of me.

OH! Another thing! So, we got a few inches of snow, no biggie, right? UM WRONG! The world fell apart down here!!!! There were buses sliding off the road, 12 hour shifts turned into 19 hour shifts and they were STILL DRIVING US TO BLISS!!! The post was shut down, the mail wasn't running, the freaking hospital was only open for emergencies and we STILL had to do the damn exercise at Bliss! Not to mention the rolling power outages we're still having. Its insane. Oh and the temperature. Try -38 with the windchill yesterday morning. Absolute craziness. And yet, there's still no where else I'd rather be. I'm considering deploying with another unit to Afghanistan...maybe not. But I figure a real deployment would be kind of um...acceptable. Anyways. I have to finish some online training. It sucks but might as well make the most of being sick and stuck on my ass.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Time Slows Down Whenever You're Around

I got REALLY sick yesterday and was pretty miserable and stuck inside and no medicine was helping. Couldn't help with training, couldn't even go to the chow hall to get dinner. It was awful. I was confined to SERE training and my bunk...that I hate. It was miserable. BUT! Today was a total turnaround. I pretty much had to get up at 0440 and battle buddy someone to an appointment that they didn't have. BUT. It ended up being worth it. I ran into SPC Fortier from the 310th! And he is freaking awesome. Not to mention I ran into a battle from 42A school...WE WENT TO SCHOOL TOGETHER IN BOSTON! It was insane! Back to Fortier, he is amazing! So glad I finally got to meet him. Its just been a crazy day. We had all the battles stop by and sit and hang out and it was just really nice. I'm pleased with the outcome, even though my ears are hurting really bad again =( And I'm still coughing. But its amazing how when you're around the right people all of that takes a back seat. So anywho. Going to get off this thing, I'm at the PX. But. Mood = very happy!