So I had a very hard time keeping my composure this morning and have spent a great deal of the day very angry! But, I'm not going to talk about dang it! If y'all can't tell, this has been killing me! I just know its not worth it! Still! It doesn't excuse some things. Whatever. These people who make me mad eventually figure it out. I hate talking when I'm mad, its not made to punish anyone, it just naturally does. I am relieved to be angry so I have a perfectly good excuse not to talk to who I don't like. Well. To be nice to them. I even talk to people I hate because I can't imagine just being mean for no reason. Now I just have a great excuse not to be in the same vicinity as them now. Shoo. No more!
I am actually very excited! I e-mailed a medical missions team that goes year round to the Dominican Republic! Well, several teams that go with one organization. Its still really cool. I am sooo excited! I don't think I will be able to go on my R&R for a few reasons: 1)Its REALLY hard to just jump in with a team without them planning for you. And we won't know our dates for a while. So a July or August trip, like I want to do, just isn't ample timing. 2) Someone brought up that the military might deem it unsafe because its a lot of times with indigenous communities and its kind of dangerous, for like disease's sake, etc. Boo on being a soldier. I think I could make it happen if I play my cards right. Just thinking about it makes me ECSTATIC!!!! My goodness I have tunnel vision right now. Other options are visiting my friend's brother in Italy or going to Spain. Apparently I have a millionaire uncle there! Like I really feel comfortable going to just chill in Spain with my uncle I never met. Anyways. Veryyyy excited!!! Ah! Okay. That is all. And Army life. Boo.
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