
Friday, February 4, 2011

Embrace The Suck

Wasn't really looking forward to a post titled this, but, ya know! I suppose being in the Army its bound to happen. Lets see, where should I begin? Not sure if I mentioned I got sick, I think I did. But let me emphasize...I went to sick call 4 times in the last 11 days. And, while I wasn't totally looking forward to work, I definitely wasn't trying to avoid it. I love my section, I enjoy being in there and being caught up to speed and being productive. Anyways. After doc gave me my 3 different kind of medicine and it didn't work, I knew it was a bigger deal than a bug or whatever. But I'm apparently just a dumb girl. No one took me seriously. Needless to say, I am pretty sure I pissed off my section NCOIC and went to sick call anyways. But. I win. I have freaking pneumonia. Hello. Thanks doc for listening to me. Preciate it! Anyways, I'm on quarters right now and I'm hoping these bajillion antibiotics knock it out of me.

OH! Another thing! So, we got a few inches of snow, no biggie, right? UM WRONG! The world fell apart down here!!!! There were buses sliding off the road, 12 hour shifts turned into 19 hour shifts and they were STILL DRIVING US TO BLISS!!! The post was shut down, the mail wasn't running, the freaking hospital was only open for emergencies and we STILL had to do the damn exercise at Bliss! Not to mention the rolling power outages we're still having. Its insane. Oh and the temperature. Try -38 with the windchill yesterday morning. Absolute craziness. And yet, there's still no where else I'd rather be. I'm considering deploying with another unit to Afghanistan...maybe not. But I figure a real deployment would be kind of um...acceptable. Anyways. I have to finish some online training. It sucks but might as well make the most of being sick and stuck on my ass.

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