Tybee Island, my future home, maybe =)
The weather has been soooo nice here. It reminds me of spring nights. The kinds perfect for baseball! And sitting on the porch in a hoodie and shorts. Aw. So I'm kind of homesick. Not so much the comforts of home, while those would be nice, but the free nights to just enjoy life. I keep thinking what a good opportunity this is though. Oh my goodness! Before I get off on that, let me tell you what has happened the past couple of days!
So we had an 11pm formation the night before last for accountability and a 4am wake up! I didn't get in bed till 1am! You know, I may have mentioned all of this, so if I have, I apologize for
repeating all of this. Anyways. We have these soldiers. And they loveeeee to cause trouble. Particularly a female E5. Anyways. Several soldiers were doing their own thing. Some were staying at hotels with their wives (we weren't allowed off post). The big deal is that we had anE5, E4, E2 and E7 all go out off post, take civilian clothes, get drunk, get tattoos and stumble back in time for formation. They got ratted out and took a breathalyzer. 3 of them blew with alcohol in their system. Too easy, right? You were off post, you violated the 3 BIGGEST rules! No fraternization, no drinking and NO GOING OFF POST!!!! So. I figure they'll be in trouble. Well, the female the next day didn't have to do any of the training, she just hung out in the barracks. Okay, whatever, maybe they're processing her paperwork. We all get "grounded".No going off our camp, at all. Well, they lifted the ban for today after lunch and after a class and another thing we had to do. So, I finally get to the PX with Becky and we were on THE first bus, and this E5 is there!!!! WHAT IN THE WORLD?! So you're telling me I can do whatever the hell I want and I will get a pass. She was not on that bus with us, which means she either got a ride or she had caught an earlier bus. Oh and she wasn't in the class with us and did not do her check with the section we had to go to. Oh, just wait, it getsbetter. So my little PFC is getting promoted today and I go to the formation to take pictures of it. The E2 that snuck off post with them is there and he gets promoted!!!! SERIOUSLY?! And this is just hearsay, but supposedly they're not losing rank. ANY OF THEM. For sure the E7 is safe because they said they couldn't "prove" he had the van. Um...HE ADMITTED TO GOING OFF POST! And taking the E2, E4 and E5 to the tattoo parlor!!!! I will be furious if nothing happens to them. For several reasons. 1)Over and over again this E5 in particular has gotten in trouble at ATs and has not gotten in trouble. She was caught in a truck with an E4. She came in several times intoxicated and after curfew. And she has gotten introuble for fraternizing...numerous times. 2) It sends the message that no one is going to get in trouble, no matter what you do. 3) If myself or any other decent soldier were to do this, we would be stripped of rank faster than you can process the paperwork. 4) She's on the PSD team!!!! Granted, they put her there to keep her out of trouble because she doesn't really have a job in Kuwait, but still! They are supposed to be intip top shape! I am so so so mad about it. I will file an IG complaint as will many soldiers. I am not the proudest of this unit, but overall, I really thought our Command can't agree on little things but this is too big to not have justice served. So what if we have too many chiefs and not enough indians? We know to be good soldiers and set a good example, right? No, apparently not. We will see. So upset over that. But back to the original purpose of this post.
I am really considering doing 2 years or 3 active when we return just to get "E" pay as an officer. Its seriously 500 dollars more a month. So, even though my life looks like it will suck for the next 10 years or so, it would be so worth it to set up myself. I want to be a traveling doc and anything to get me through medical school and to that career path goes. I sometimes wish I were superman and could do anything. Just have it come so easily. But, it doesn't always happen that way. And now more than ever is time to challenge myself. I may do the PA program. A lot of thorough research is going to happen this year and make some plans for myself. Sooomuch work and math to be done but dang it its time to be smart.
We leave in 2 days! I am sooo excited! Mostly because packing suuuucks and I have WAY too much crap. I will make it happen. So nervous for the unknown but I am totally getting used to it. Lets see, oh! I diagnosed myself last night. And was right! I had a weird bump on my wrist and was sitting with Mr. LT and explained it to him then we got Doc just to see if I was right and I was! No biggie, but I'm proud of it =)
Some more cool news! I got asked to write for an Army magazine!!! And photograph! Just as a contributer every 3 weeks but I'm soooo honored! Someone from the unit (idk who) put in a good word for me, so that's cool too.
A picture I took a few years ago on the way
to the Ocoee River in Tennessee.
Ohhhh I listened to Corey Smith today. Love that man. Well, his music. Reminds me of the beach and summertime and college. I guess thats really all. Excited and nervous and not looking forward to whats to come. All at once. Anywho. I have also received some e-mails from you guys, soooo sorry I haven't gotten back to y'all! I will soon though. Its just a mess right now. I will get back to you soon!
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