
Sunday, February 6, 2011

Super Bowl

Well we didn't get to have a beer tonight but I'm relieved. People are ridiculous and its nice to see people who actually want to see the game as opposed to drinking. I drink but dang. I don't see the big obsession. Maybe I'll be whining later in the year about it. Most of the fun in drinking though is being out with your friends and making memorable nights out of it. Not so much the taste or alcohol....or the feeling afterwards. Anyways.

My best friend here has had a really terrible day. Her significant other is being a douche...again. And she's sick =( Normally I can sort of cheer her up but its really not happening today. I wish him and her could go their separate ways and heal. Gosh. Its just not worth the heartache. Which brings me to my next point. When people are away from significant others, significant others become quite the talk. And I have to say. I'm not sure what's gotten into me, but, I am so not feeling lonely or missing out or wishing I had someone to call my other half. I understand how nice it is, but, something this just makes it so much more difficult. And to be honest I seriously doubt many are keeping their loyalties to their other half. It seems impossible now days. So sad. I want it all or nothing. And, I won't compromise who I am or where I'm going. Hello, isn't that the reason you fall in love? For who they are? I understand the compromise, but compromise is me making dinner because you've had a bad night or going to watch that dumb movie I really don't want to see but you do. Not, oh, I'll quit what I want to do to do something more suitable for you. I'm sure I have a lot to learn. But right now. I just don't care. Boys are silly. And I am content with my focus on them. Or, lack thereof.

We were supposed to have today and tomorrow off but as fate would have it, some douche that runs this exercise decided to screw my shift and bring us in at 8 am tomorrow. For no reason. It is so pointless being in there! I am logging staff journals with things like, "Called 77th TRANS." and "Checked SIGACTs and SIRs". So not worth my time. Oh yea, and I've already done this. Fort Campbell was so much more fast-paced.

I'm ready to get to our destination and get settled in. I'm really hating living in a huge open bay of other girls. Granted, I hate sharing my bedroom anyways but with 31 others its really obnoxious. On the downside of that, we will have to be on everyday I'm assuming and really focused to learn our jobs and do them. My section is definitely the busiest. Can't wait to see how things pan out.

I'm really looking forward to my vacation already. I really want to go backpacking in Europe or maybe go to South America. BFF really wants to go to Italy though. We will see. Thats all, not much to report. Just bored and working. Can't wait to run in a couple of days though!

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