
Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Play it Cool

Its been a long time, once again, sorry, once again. Booooo! I feel like I have been going nonstop these past few months. Well, there's no "feeling" to it, I have been! So busy that its really sad that I'm leaning towards staying home instead of driving to GA to go to my grandmother's Thanksgiving dinner bc I have so much to do here! Ugh. But, I know its important to see the fam especially before a deployment that's quickly approaching. I feel like I felt before BCT. Nervous, excited and EAGER. Eager to get back and finish school, eager to get back and have grown from this, eager to push myself! Life sucks right now, its not "bad" persay, its just SO MUCH! It sounds silly but I swear its the best way to put it. Its like drinking from a fire hose. I have no time to breathe but I love it. Just sometimes it would be so nice to be caught up on my to do list. Ah. Life. Its crazy. I have so much more to say and no time though, of course.